Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted on here... Whoops, my bad, LoL! Things have been pretty crazy around here so here's just a quick recap of the past few months.

*I had a wonderful Christmas season with family and friends :D
I spent Christmas Eve in Portland with Dave, Devin, and Erica, and Christmas in Salem with Dave, Mom, Dad, and Angela, (and Tula, Samantha, Midnight, & Spot). New Year's Eve was spent at the coast with Dave and our friends from church.

*I interviewed at my potential internship sites... This meant a trip to the East Coast so of course Dave came along (YAY!) and we made a whirlwind tour of houses visiting his entire family :)
It was great to see everyone again and we really enjoyed seeing familiar faces throughout the week. I also interviewed at some Oregon sites but the longest drive for those was only 20 minutes so not too much to comment on as far as travels, LoL.

*I got new roller skates for derby! My second bout is February 11th and I'm super stoked to debut 'em :)

*I found out that I'll have a second cousin in six months~ Congrats to Jody and Whitney! I'm so excited to spoil their lil' one :D

*My little sister moved into her first apartment with a friend from her nursing program. Helping her move in reminded me so much of moving into my first apartment, LoL :) My Angela-bo-Bangela is growing up!

And this month will bring: Ranking day (the 9th) where we rank our internships sites based on preference, my second derby bout (the 11th) with an Anti-Valentine's Day theme, Dave and my one year's anniversary (the 15th), and Match day (the 25th) where I find out exactly where I'll be for my internship.

♥ Bring it on, world! ♥